We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    29 Products Reviewers Say Are A "Travel Essential"

    Including an airplane footrest that *may* just make you feel like you're economy seat is actually first class.

    1. A digital luggage scale to calm your anxiety that your bag is overweight and that you won't have to redistribute your belongings with your suitcase open on the floor, for the whole airport to see. 😳 Maybe this is a very specific fear that I personally have...

    You can also switch between pound and kilogram measurements. 

    Promising reviews: "This is really essential travel gear. It will come in handy before your flight and to avoid the extra charges. The tech is great, has a nice sleek design, is very easy to use, and has a very clear LCD display." —kass77

    "This scale works and was accurate on four flights. First flight was a test at 46 pounds, and Delta scales said it was 46 pounds. The next two flights were at 49 pounds, and both United and Delta found it to be 49 pounds. The bag on the fourth flight weighed 49, but the United scale found it to be 48 pounds. Four different airports and scales proved that this scale is a good, low-cost, must-have item for air travel." —Robert

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in five colors).

    2. An external battery so powerful that it can charge your phone up to three times before it needs to be charged itself. Now that's convenient when you're out and about all day using your phone as a camera to capture all the memories.

    the rectangle power bank in black with cord and mesh pouch sitting next to it

    Promising review: "These are a go-to gift for friends and an absolute travel essential. Anker has been a fantastic brand I've enjoyed for five years now. Love how light and small this new model is! I use these for when we're on the road for days at at the with no outlets. It's awesome." —Bradley

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in two colors).

    3. Or a compact iPhone portable charger if you loathe having to bring a cord *and* charger. With this, all you have to do is plug your phone into the dock, and it will give it the juice it needs after you drained it by taking 58,357 pictures. Also, you can charge the dock while it charges your phone!

    It's able to charge an iPhone 8 1.5 times and a iPhone X one full time on a full charge. 

    Promising reviews: "Perfect for keeping phone charged while out and about on vacation. I used this for my iPhone Pro. I love how compact it is and that I didn’t need cords. This is essential for tiny purses. This could charge my phone at least once before needing another charge." —Jillypop

    "This was the best gadget I bought for a long international trip! It's small, compact, fast charging, and easy to carry! It met all expectations and kept my phone juiced daily!!! Highly recommend!" —Colleen Flaherty

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page to get 15% off this price; available in six colors).

    4. AirFly, a wireless transmitter that'll connect your AirPods (or any other wireless headphones) to the headphone jack on the flight so you can enjoy all the free entertainment without being forced to bring two sets of headphones or use the crappy ones they have the AUDACITY to charge for on some flights.

    It also comes with a USB-C charging cable, travel pouch, keychain holder, quick-start guide, and a manual.

    Promising review: "This is essential for long flights. I love to wear my AirPods for music and being able to connect my AirPods with the in-flight entertainment is just perfect. I'd definitely recommend this." —Leonardo N.

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in three styles and two colors).

    5. An international power converter here to make it a breeze to plug in your electronics in 150 countries. The converter has a 5-foot detachable power cable and four different sockets, plus voltage converters so you don't short your curling iron...again.

    Not talking from experience...not at all. 😬

    Sokoo is a small business creating voltage converters, travel adapters, cooling fans and more.

    Promising review: "Travel essential. I bought this product for my Europe trip, and it was really an excellent purchase. It did everything I wanted, and I was happy with its performance." —Lannie

    Get it from Amazon for $39.98

    6. A hands-free (rotating!) phone mount you can use on more than just the airplane — it can mount on basically any surface from the tray table, arm of a chair, or even a suitcase handle for easy viewing wherever you are.

    A phone mounted to the back of an airplane tray table
    Phone mounted on a carry on luggage handle and a chair arm

    Promising reviews: "So nice to not have to deal with holding the phone or propping it up! A travel essential!" —Fallen

    "I bought this nifty gadget about six months for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $10.38+ (available in five colors).

    7. A waterproof pouch here to protect your phone and keep it safe whenever you're near water. Plus, you can still use the touchscreen with it, which means you can take as many underwater pictures as your heart desires.

    It's designed to fit any phone up to 100mm x 170mm (or about 3.9 inches x 6.7 inches). And not only will it keep your phone protected from water, but it will also keep sand and dirt out.

    Promising reviews: "A vacation essential. I was skeptical about the case protecting my phone, but while kayaking on vacation, my phone fell in the water and was submerged in 6 feet of water. I was able to recover the phone with no water damage whatsoever." —Will N.

    "I purchased this case in July for an upcoming canoe trip with a friend, and as luck would have it, we flipped our canoe. Being the rebel that I am, I chose not to wear my phone around my neck, and so my phone, my ID, and my debit card ended up at the bottom of the river and I just assumed it would be discovered a thousand years from now and placed in a museum as an ancient artifact. Fast-forward to this week. I was contacted via FB by an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office diver and guess what he found? Yup, my phone case with all of the contents intact and dry as a bone! He had to cut the case open, but there was not one single drop of water in it and he ended up purchasing a case for himself because he was just that impressed!" —Julie McDonald

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in 14 colors and designs).

    8. A Dagne Dover duffle bag made out of neoprene and mesh, meaning it's a super soft bag you'll be able to fit SO much stuff in that you'll never travel without it again.

    Model wearing the duffle bag on their shoulder using the long shoulder strap with a zipper across the top and shorter straps on the bag in heather grey
    the grey duffle under a plane seat
    Dagne Dover / Via www.instagram.com, Abby Kass / BuzzFeed

    I've had this duffle for four years now, and it's probably my number one travel essential. I rarely travel without it. I'm not exaggerating when I say it is the PERFECT carry-on bag. The neoprene fabric makes it so it can fit so much and slide perfectly under the seat in front of you. I own the large and the extra large, and I use them both for different lengths of trips. I love that the extra large can still fit under the seat in front of you, as you can see in the picture above. The pockets inside make sure everything has a place and stays organized. And one of the coolest features is the small outside pocket that fits a phone perfectly. It's also a great bag for a weekend trip as a duffle. I let my mom borrow mine when she traveled across Europe last year, and then I had to get her her own for Christmas because she loved it so much.

    Promising review: "I love my new bag. I have been on the hunt for the perfect stylish yet utilitarian bag for some time now. And I think I found out! I love the number of pockets (no more bottom bag abyss) and the hardware. Having a back pocket for my phone is just perfect. I’m obsessed. Thank you for a form-meets-function bag!" —Megan V.

    Get it from Dagne Dover for $125+ (available in five sizes and seven colors).

    9. Silicone earplugs designed to help reduce the pressure in your ears because sometimes you can't avoid getting an ~earful~ when the plane is taking off (and from the woman sitting next to you).

    the ear planes packaging
    reviewer pic on an airplane with the earplugs in

    Promising review: "I use to have debilitating ear pain on flight descent, which felt like getting stabbed in the ear over and over! I was in agony every time, and it made traveling really stressful. I was recommended these by a friend, and HOLY MOLY. Sometimes I will feel a teeny pang of pain, but it's nothing in comparison to before. These are an essential travel item for me!"SL

    Get a pack of one from Amazon for $6.99.

    10. A stroller so lightweight and compact it can fit in the overhead bin on a plane. This means you don't have to wait around for it to be retrieved from storage after you deplane. You can just open the stroller and go.

    reviewer image of the stroller in grey
    reviewer showing how the stroller folds up small enough to be considered a carry on on a plane

    It folds up so small that it was awarded a Guinness World Record in 2014 for the most compact stroller. It can hold kids who weigh up to 55 pounds and only weighs 9.5 pounds.

    Promising review: "Travel essential. I purchased this stroller for a recent trip to Canada. It was a lifesaver traveling through the airport because it is so easy to get through security, and you don’t have to worry about gate checking as it is small enough to carry on. During our trip, we used public transportation at times, and we ate out a lot, and it was so easy and convenient to have under a chair or table. It’s also lightweight to carry when my son decides he wants to walk, though he loves sitting in the stroller and is quite comfortable. I love that it easily reclines, and he even took a nap in it while being pushed on a dirt trail. We were mostly on concrete but also took the stroller on some easy/flat trails, and it did quite well. The basket is small but handy. All in all, I highly recommend this for travel and everyday use. I got many compliments and comments about this stroller!" —Matthew Gonzalez

    Get it from Amazon for $149.95+ (available in three styles and two colors).

    11. An acupressure anti-nausea wristband to make nausea and motion/morning sickness disappear so you can go on with your day without feeling awful and fighting the urge to throw up after riding that super-awesome roller coaster everyone recommended. 

    A reviewer wearing the gray anti-nausea wristband
    Another angle of the wristband on the reviewer's wrist

    The band applies pressure on the P6 acupressure point that is said to help relieve nausea and vomiting. Read more about acupressure and nausea at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

    Promising reviews: "Works great for when I'm traveling on a boat or on long bus/car rides. It's an essential that I bring with me when I travel." —Tiffany C.

    "I wished I tried this a long time ago. I used it on a 13-hour drive. Once at Disney World, I wore them for every ride, and it was the first time I did not get nausea or sick. I was amazed. This is a must-have if you get car sick or can’t ride rides at an amusement park." —E. Kendra

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.53.

    12. A sleeping mask designed with a 3D-contoured shape, which just means there's more space where your eyes go so there's no pressure on them (you can also even open them). It still provides total darkness so you can try and catch some ZZZs when you have a 6 a.m. flight you had to get up at 3 a.m. to catch.

    reviewer wears black 3D-contoured sleeping mask
    the same sleeping mask with ear plugs

    Plus, it comes with a set of earplugs to block out all the noise around you!

    Promising review: "This is an essential travel item for me. I purchased to use for travel. Best sleep on a flight I’ve EVER had. It helps me zone out. Loaned them to my daughter for her trip to Hawaii. She can NEVER fall asleep on flights but, with these, she slept like a baby! Adjustable and lightweight. Carrying bag can easily be dropped into travel tote or carry-on luggage." —Sharee A. Armstrong

    Get the set from Amazon for $16.99 (available in seven colors).

    13. A JetKids ride-on carry-on suitcase I'm pretty sure is about to become your new favorite product for traveling with kids. Not only does it have wheels, but it's designed so your toddler can sit on it, making it easy for you to wheel them through the airport. Then when you get on the flight, it easily transforms into a leg rest or in-flight bed to keep your kids comfy while in the air. How neat is that???

    a child model sitting on the wheely suitcase with an adult model pulling them next to it
    the suitcase in front of an airplane seat, with it raised up, creating a leg rest for kids to make the seat more comfortable

    It's recommended for kids ages 3–7 and fits most standard economy seats. Plus, it has an adjustable strap so you can carry it over your shoulder, a top handle, and a mattress inside that can be removed and used while in the flight. Parents have even used this product while in the airport waiting for the flight to keep their kids comfy and happy. 

    Promising reviews: "This is essential for travel. The easiest way to help your young child deal with travel." —Kris Menard

    "Traveling with a toddler is always a challenge but comfort is key and this little magic package makes the airport trip that much smoother. We can store small toys, pillow, and one throw blankets for our family of three. Great idea and great buy. We will be using this until it breaks." —TifferTheTrend

    Get it from Amazon for $229 (available in five colors). 

    14. A portable white-noise machine that'll work hard while you sleep at night to block all the noises that come with staying in a hotel room. (Looking at you, elevator and ice machine!!!!!)

    the small circular noise machine attached to the handle of a suitcase

    Promising reviews: "This little guy puts out sound that can be adjusted from soft to incredibly loud. Really quite amazing. It runs for a few nights on one charge. Great addition to my travel essentials." —G. P. M.

    "I was skeptical at first about how well this little noise machine would work in my hotel room (I am a frequent business traveler). However, skepticism gave way to satisfaction. This little sound machine blocked out hotel noises very well and helped me sleep through the night. For a little machine, it provides very good volume and different noise options. I highly recommend this product!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $25.35+ (available in five styles/variety packs).

    15. Or wireless sleep headphones so you can listen to music, a podcast, or even white noise to help you fall asleep without having to lay on uncomfortable earbuds that die in the middle of the night and wake you up in a panic with the "doo doot" sound.

    The headphones connect via Bluetooth and have 33 feet of wireless range (meaning your phone doesn't have to be right next to you). The controls are on the forehead, which makes it comfortable for back and side sleepers, and they are made to block out ambient noise.

    Promising review: "I love this headband! I use it multitude of ways. I use it to put on music while helping me go to sleep. I use it as a sleeping eye mask. I use it as a headband to cover my ears in the cold weather. I also use it skiing to help with warmth and play music without the worry that my headphones will pop out. This headband has quickly become one of my favorite travel essentials." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page to get 20% off this price; available in 16 colors). 

    16. A pair of compression socks to help stop your feet and legs from swelling up as much as Violet Beauregarde did in Willy Wonka's factory.

    (left) hand holding the packaging (right) two feet with the black and yellow compression socks on
    Gyan Yankovich / BuzzFeed

    Read more about compression socks for travel at Johns Hopkins and The Huffington Post.

    Promising review: "These socks do the job and have become essential travel gear for my wife and I. They help prevent tired and bloated feet and legs on long flights and ensure our feeling safe from the attendant risks of poor circulation from lack of movement on these fights (which we take regularly). Have immediately purchased pairs for friends." —Burt

    Get them from Amazon for $18.57+ (available in unisex sizes S–XXL and in 13 colors).

    And check out our full Physix Gear compression socks review here.

    17. A Calpak clear cosmetics case for an upgraded look to whatever stained and old toiletry bag you've been using for a few years too long. This one is basically the Mercedes of cosmetic bags — it's durable, water-resistant, lightweight, has dual carrying handles, and two zippered compartments. Plus, you'll be able to easily check and make sure you packed your contacts.

    model hand filling the open clear makeup bag with tan edges
    model putting the clear makeup bag in a suitcase

    Promising reviews: "Best travel essential. It fits everything you need! Worth everyyyy penny!" —Karen Delgado V.

    "I am truly in love with this clear cosmetic bag. It’s absolutely perfect and honestly — it’s truly my dream come true of makeup bags. I have search high and low for one until I saw a TikTok of it and was instantly in love! It’s sooooo well made and detailed. It sturdy and big enough to carry all your goodies for a long or short trip!" —Michelle T.

    Get the large size from Calpak for $95 (available in eight colors and also a small and medium size). 

    18. Or a more budget-friendly hanging toiletry bag you can store everything you're going to need while you're on your trip. Reviewers say this amazingly fits alll the skincare, makeup, *and* haircare products in one compact bag, which is especially great if you're going to be gone for 2+ weeks. Plus, it has a hook in the top, so you can hang it in the bathroom if there's very limited counter space. 

    reviewer image with all the contents spread out on the bed that they were able to fit in the bag
    the bag closed up and propped up on bed

    Promising review: "This is ESSENTIAL for travel. I’ve always struggled with my toiletries and products, especially if they’re wet from the shower. This keeps everything together in the same place." —Jaelyn Collins

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page to get 20% off this price; available in seven colors).

    19. *OR* A 16-piece travel toiletries set if you're not checking a bag. This set is filled with everything you need to bring your hair, skin, and makeup products with you. No need to go waste any money on the expensive travel-sized version of your go-to products. This set will make it super easy to transfer the right amount to comply with those pesky TSA rules. 

    The set comes with four bottles, two jars, two spray bottles, two scoopers (to help transfer creams), one funnel (to help transfer liquids), one cleaning brush, a page of labels, and a bag that everything fits in.  

    Promising review: "This is essential for flying! I fly pretty often throughout the year and after having numerous leakage issues with regular plastic travel containers, decided to go the silicone route and am so glad I did. I love that this set includes different sizes of bottles and tools to help fill/empty them so reusing them is a breeze and there is no wasted product. The variety of colors is great so I can easily tell apart my toiletries, even without the included labels! Love this set and highly recommend it!" —Hennie S.

    Get it from Amazon for $13.29

    20. A travel wallet with an RFID-blocking shield material to not only keep all your many important travel documents organized but also safe and ready for you to grab when you need your ID quickly in the TSA line.

    a reviewer's phone, cash, and cards before being put in the wallet
    the same items all placed in the trifold wallet

    This wallet has a passport pocket, a boarding pass compartment, three credit card slots, an ID slot, a SIM card pouch, a coupon ticket slot, a cellphone pouch (max 5.8 inches), a money and coins zippered pocket (fits US dollars), a key holder, a pen holder, and a slim pocket.

    Promising review: "Essential for traveling! I absolutely love this wallet! I went abroad to France and was going to be spending a lot of time in the airport and in touristy areas, so I decided to look into getting an RFID blocking wallet to deter theft. I must say, I am very happy I chose this particular wallet! It is pretty big, but it fits everything I need inside! It made traveling so much easier! There aren't a lot of compartments for credit cards and such, but there is room to put a pen, your passport, cash, change, licenses, and even boarding passes. One of the best purchases I've ever made!" —Alicia

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in 38 colors).

    21. Some laundry soap sheets to have on hand when you realize you've run out of clothes because you've decided to extend your trip even longer. There's no way you were going home without visiting the Eiffel Tower.

    Promising review: "This is a travel essential for anyone who packs light. I got this for my month-long trip to Europe. Just 4–5 sheets will do the job for a small load of a laundry in the washing machine. I didn't have to worry about finding laundry detergent right away when I arrived in a city. The clothes came out smelling clean and fresh. Now this is on my must-have list for traveling." —Joy Lin

    Get it from Amazon for $12.10 (also available in a hand soap style).

    22. A strap you can attach to your luggage to hold your carry-on or other items that are too big or awkward to pack (i.e. coat, scarf, neck pillow). 

    The black strap attaching a backpack to a suitcase
    collage of pictures showing how the strap can be used to secure a lot of different travel items

    Promising reviews: "A true travel essential! I’m obsessed with these travel straps, and they’ve made keeping my luggage organized an absolute MUST!" —Suzanne

    "This is seriously so useful for traveling. I bought this last year and used it on my two Europe trips — six different countries and lots of bus, train, and plane journeys, and it made my life so much easier. I hooked it to my book bag and hooked my neck pillow, collapsible umbrella, and reusable water bottle to it. I even hooked my parka through it some. 110% recommend. It is super sturdy, and I never had any issues with it even with me dragging it along with all the stuff hooked to it." —Logan

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in six colors and in a two-pack).

    23. An inflatable foot rest both adults and kids love because it gives them the ability to keep their feet up while on long flights. The foot rest can be inflated to three heights and comes with an eye mask, earplugs, dust cover, and drawstring bag. 

    reviewer with the foot rest inflated and their feet up on a flight
    reviewer image of the foot rest in between the airplane seats, giving a kid a comfortable place to rest

    Promising review: "This footrest pillow is essential for those who travel very long distances. It is not only uncomfortable but unhealthy to leave feet dangling down for many hours or days at a time while traveling. I purchased this pillow to situate between my airplane seat and the seat in front of mine. It is wonderful to be able to prop my feet up, with bent knees, while watching movies or sleeping. I regularly fly the same route that is about 30 hours (including layovers), and when I am unable to get a seat upfront, this footrest pillow keeps me more comfortable at the back of the plane." —Yvonne N

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in four colors). 

    24. A Master Lock portable safe small enough to not take up too much space in your luggage but big enough to hold your valuables while you're out and about all day long. Plus, it's made to be water-resistant. 

    reviewer showing inside the safe
    reviewer showing the lock on safe
    reviewer showing the chain of the safe

    Promising reviews: "I love this safe. It's the best travel essential I can recommend. Especially as a woman traveling abroad." —Amazon Customer

    "This travel safe is great. It's extremely secure and not big or bulky. I used it for international travel. Easy to set, open, and close! Get it!" —KAJ121

    Get it from Amazon for $23.98+ (available in two colors). 

    25. Or a set of space-saver bags if you want to take your space-saving up a notch. These bags will squeeze all the air out, so you have room for more clothes. So no, you don't have to wear the same pair of pants the entire trip!

    one space saver bag with clothes on top and then another with the clothes inside, showing how much smaller it makes the clothes
    reviewer image of the bags being used in a suitcase

    Promising review: "Traveling essential! I wish I would have come across these years ago!! I do a lot of traveling and using these, and I was able to get so much more into my suitcase, AND it was much more organized. If your stay is temporary, just leave items in the bag and load into the dresser. These are a must have!!!" —Shellbie

    Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $18 (also available in four other size packs).

    26. An Alleyoop portable razor specifically designed to be compact and yet hold everything you need for a quick touch-up shave on your trip. It contains two triple-blade razors, a moisturizing bar, and a water spray bottle, so you can shave anywhere you need to. And it's TSA approved!

    reviewer holding the pink circular travel shaver, showing the razor head it comes with
    reviewer holding the razor, showing the moisturizing bag
    reviewer holding the small spray bottle in front of the pink portable razor

    Promising reviews: "Great essential to have when traveling or on-the-go! Not to mention the soap smells amazing! Also includes two razor blades. Great value." —Myles Allbee

    "I found out about this razor on TikTok, and I’m officially obsessed! I’ve been using it for the last week, so here’s my honest opinion. It’s perfect for missed spots or touch-ups, your gym bag, vacations, and I can see this being great for camping trips. The razor is not meant for full shaves or to replace your regular shower shaving routine, it’s very obviously for when you just need a quick touch-up here or there.

    I love that it has everything you need for a close shave — the refillable water spray bottle, a shea butter moisturizing bar that doubles as a pre-shave lotion and an after-shave moisturizer, and two 3-blade razors. The product is super compact for everything that it holds.  If you’re considering buying this to replace your regular shower razor — don’t. But if you’re looking for a smart, convenient solution for a quick shave or touch-up, or something more convenient to travel with, then this is your new go-to travel razor!! I think everyone should have one of these in their car, purse, gym bag, travel bag, etc. Honestly can’t go wrong with it, it’s a 10/10 for me!!" —Helen Mantilla

    Get it from Amazon for $15 (available in two colors). 

    27. A jewelry organizer with ample space to store all the necklaces, earrings, rings, and more you want to bring with you. With specific places for everything, you'll never arrive at your destination only to find your necklaces have tangled themselves up so badly you can't wear them during the trip.

    Reviewer photo of the jewelry case with various pieces inside
    Same reviewer showing the other side of the organizer that holds necklaces

    Promising review: "This is a travel essential must, especially if you travel a lot. I was keeping my jewelry in an Altoids case and my necklaces and bracelets were constantly getting tangled. It stayed pretty flat and not bulky after I filled up the case with all my jewelry. I highly recommend this." —Julie Che

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two sizes and nine colors and patterns).

    28. A travel belt made so you can attach any bag to the top of your suitcase because sometimes the best carry-on bags are not designed with that handy sleeve on the back. With this, you won't have to lug your bag through the airport when your gate is the absolute last one at the end of the longest corridor. 

    pink travel belt with a latch
    model standing next to a suitcase with a bag on top that's attached with a travel belt
    Cincha Travel

    The travel belt is adjustable to 38 inches so it will fit most bags.

    Cincha Travel is a small Cali-based biz started by a BIPOC couple that makes these adjustable straps from vegan leather.  The brand also donates 100 airline miles for each purchase, which are used to reconnect separated migrant families.

    Promising reviews: "Love the smaller Travel belt it is a life saver! I can’t wait to receive my larger travel belt! Thank you! My new travel essential! ❤️" —Graceanne

    "Love this! I am constantly struggling between holding my jacket and two carry-ons. This is the perfect solution! I can’t wait to start using it when I’m back to regular business travel." —Allison

    Get it from Cincha Travel for $39.99 (available in 18 colors/patterns).

    29. A dirty laundry bag to put smelly and gross clothes in to protect them from touching your still-good, perfectly clean ones.

    reviewer image of the black bag with a zipper and illustration of clothes on the front
    the same reviewer showing what the bag looks like when it's open

    Promising reviews: "This is an essential item. especially for travelers." —Nadia Khan

    "I love this bag for travel. It's the perfect size. Unlike so many travel laundry bags, this one is the perfect size for clothes and undies. So many are too small like a lingerie bag or too big like a bag to take to the laundry mat. This is cute and folds up into itself." —N. Newman

    Get it from Amazon for $11.04+ (available in 10 colors).