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    A Brightonian Living in London

    One girl's thoughts...

    You are Proud

    With a capital P. Proud of coming from Brighton (even if you might not live there anymore it doesn't matter - you were born in the Sussex). When you are asked where do you live in London, you answer but swiftly follow it up by saying you were born in Brighton. You are proud of the pebbles, proud of the Seagulls (football and birds), proud of the rock, Fat Boy Slim and Zamora's return. When you hear a conversation vaguely connected to someone's aunt's neighbour's dog coming from Brighton you find yourself having to tell everyone very loudly that this one time you were also in Brighton....and you were born there.

    You never pronounce the T

    Here's the situation - there you are speaking the Queens English and suddenly a work colleague asks what you are up to this respond politely until you find yourself needing to shout 'heading to Brigh-on mate!' A true Brightonian should never ever pronounce the T, never.

    You visit ALL the time

    Even when your parents question you for returning so soon, and your friends say AGAIN you still turn up at the door cause it's Brigh-on innit!

    Every weekend is a Bank Holiday

    For some reason it always feels like it's a Bank Holiday. Even if it's cold outside, drinks must be had on the beach, there's always an occasion to go to and you almost forget that you need to get the train back on Monday morning.


    London may have Buckingham, but Brighton has the flamboyant Pavilion, London has Big Ben all lit up at night but Brighton has the electric Brighton Pier, London has Camden but we have the Lanes, London has the Eye and the same people are building the ...err best left there.

    You constantly weigh up if you should move back

    You live in South London because it's close. You look at your London commute time and compare it every month to the Brighton commute.


    You convince yourself that you still have connections to Brighton. College friends still live there, one even bought there recently and your arty parents still paint the beach, and it's ok because it's only an hour and 10 on the train. It's not that far!!!