This Might Be The Scariest Proposal On The Internet

    Love is scary, after all.

    Halloween is Katherine Canipe's favorite movie of all time. So, naturally, after dating for four years, Alec Wells decided to wear the freaky mask from the film while he proposed to her. It's somehow terrifying and cute at the same time!

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    Halloween is one of the scariest movies of all time and is definitely a beloved classic.

    Alec had Katherine's friends take her on a walking tour of some of the locations from the film.

    As they approached the corner of the street, Alec stepped out in full Michael Myers costume for a brief moment and scared the living daylights out of them!

    But Katherine was brave, and this was actually her dream come true! She inched closer to the now kneeling "Michael Myers" hiding around the corner. When she saw him, she knew exactly what was happening.

    So beautiful and scary!

    Alec didn't even have to say anything. Katherine just told him "Yeah!" And immediately followed with "Are you serious?"

    Continuing with their movie-loving theme, the couple also created the most perfect Back to the Future engagement photo.

    Congrats, freaky people!