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Cholas Gave The Perfect Response To Women Dressing Like Them

"Is this Photoshop?"

Following the viral sensation "Cholos Try Vegan Food," Mitú got some cholas to discuss fashion:

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The cholas were first shown this image of Nicki Minaj:

They weren't feeling it.

"She is a bad bitch in the game, I'm not gonna say she's not," but no. Don't do this, Nicki!

She was not given the chola pass.

Next up, Rihanna:

"What the — 818? She got a 818 on her? What she know about 818? She don't know nothing about 818. What does she know about 818? That's tripping me out now."

The women were confused.

"If you're gonna do it, do it right."

Finally, they were shown this photo of J.Lo:

"That's Jenny from the block!"

This time they had to give her props.

She nailed it.

Way to go, J.Lo.