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    Truly Terrible Bosses

    Truly Terrible Bosses: The Dark Triad of human psychology. What makes this individual a darker personality? How do these people flourish in Capitalist societies?

    Truly Terrible Bosses

    A group of social scientists conducted a study of individuals who were diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. studies were done in Capitalist societies where the intended goal of the survey was to find data inquiring, "How are Narcissists and Psychopaths functioning in society," this study found a shocking pattern that these Dark Triadic individuals succeeded greatly in Capitalist Societies. The results found that most of the people affected by these personality disorders had managerial positions of power, were in power over businesses. On average these Psychopaths and Narcissists had at least a Bachelor's or Master's degree. These Psychopaths and Narcissists were well-adjusted so long as no one knew about the darkness inside them.

    In psychology, neuroscience, and cerebral anatomy; there are two key components of the human brain that cause depression, fear, anger, all negative emotions essentially. These are the Amygdala and the R-Complex of the human brain. Evolution has formed our development of our minds, we are intelligent beings that are still in a process of evolution through our technology and ideologies. The human brain is divided into three divisions known as: the Neomammalian Complex, the Paleomammalian Complex, and finally the Reptilian Complex. The Neomammalian Complex is the most advanced aspect of our cerebral anatomy which is our prefrontal lobe which gives us things like perception, personality, language, and intelligence while the Reptilian Complex is in the forebrain. The scientific name for the R-Complex is the basal ganglia. The Reptilian Complex is responsible for the traits of aggression, dominance, territoriality, ritual displays and is home to our ego. The main function in the Reptilian Complex is pure survival but some people who are driven by the R-Complex which is the focal point the drives Dark Triadic behavior.

    Many know of the apparent chaos brought about by societal and institutional force in this world is caused by the members of the elitist 1% ruling class and have deducted quite reasonably that these people are incapable of the fundamentals human character traits without some sort of explanation, the answer is psychology but there's a creative symbol which serves as an alternative proposed by a certain people. This group are known as conspiracy theorists, they have expressed that these elitist power players of the system must be of an extraterrestrial origin that is reptilian in nature because there is no way that a human could be this evil and in authority. When in truth, these elitist 1% individuals at the very top are all of Dark Triadic psychology with exploiting and oppressing the people of their society and people of the world for ruthlessly acquiring resources and subjugating the people. The Dark Triad of human psychology stems from individuals who have an out-of-control Reptilian Complex. These elitist 1% power players who medically speaking, have developed this Narcissistic or Psychopathic behavior as those who wield this power of ruthlessness become the plutocratic oligarchs of the world with their family as a dynasty, their heirs inherit power, wealth, status, and the Dark Triadic behaviors as a genetic trait of their lineage so they will also wield this authority mercilessly. Capitalism preaches the message of profit before people instead of it being the other way around. That these elitist will do anything to maintain their wealth, power, status, and authority for they view other human beings as objects who are just a means to an end.

    Individuals who are governed by the Dark Triad has the ability to seize this social and societal power because of their inability to feel empathy or remorse in doing whatever want to dominant the world from the top of the social and societal hierarchy. These elitist 1% have been in power for so long that there seems to be no stopping this reign of tyranny. This pervasive personality and behavioral disorder seems to be genetic. What if the next person in line for the heir to the head of these families is the same as the last? What if the people who are the elitist 1% who rule us seem to this big bad 3 known as the Dark Triad and what if our entire world is controlled to keep them in power over us, the masses at all costs? Sociologist C. Wright Mills deemed this group of elitists the 'Power Elite.'

    [Please see my article, 'A Characterization Of The Power Elite' for my discourse on that concept created by C. Wright Mills..]

    If by chance you are ever experiencing negative emotions dear reader. My suggestion for the best Do-It-Yourself panacea to these negative emotions is art of any kind. Creativity is the bringer of positive emotions. Engaging in something creative literally calms the human mind of negative emotions as a form meditation or therapy. There are numerous mental health professionals and blogs who will tell you that taking up a creative hobby does heal the negativity from our lives. If you can't do a creative hobby then do something that promotes creativity. Do something that inspires the best in you that feels all that is good. Emotions are a key element of being human. Always remember, that a crucial expression of our humanity is doing nonsensical silly activities so that truly great projects can be accomplished.