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    25 Sweetest Feelings To Look Forward To This Summer

    With Christmas long behind us, it's time to warm up again. You'll have to wait to dust off the sunnies and bucket and spade, so sweeten up your life until then with Unnamed Confectionery Brand.

    1. The glorious taste of freedom as work gets left behind and the holiday officially begins.

    2. The astonishing realisation that an umbrella might not be needed today.

    3. Finding your fan's sweet spot.

    4. Having no commitments and forever to not do them in.

    5. Triumphing over nature and looking proudly over all that you've conquered.

    6. Breaking in the summer wardrobe.

    7. The email confirming booking of that perfect deal landing in your inbox.

    8. Finally getting your suitcase shut after exerting every ounce of strength.

    9. The relief at narrowly avoiding missing your transport by the skin of your teeth.

    10. Sticking your head out the window and feeling majestic as the wind blows through your hair.

    11. Testing the bed in your hotel room.

    12. The sand between your toes as you leg it to the sea.

    13. Launching yourself into the sea like Tom Daley.

    14. Landing a 10.0 cannonball.

    15. Goading your mates back home while poolside without it backfiring.

    16. The satisfcation that comes with being able to sit back and catch some rays.

    17. Laying claim to some premium real estate in the cool shade.

    18. Schooling everyone at sand-based sport.

    19. The peace of mind that nobody's nicked your stuff while you're smashing the volleyball.

    20. Quenching your thirst with the ultimate taste-bud pleasing fruity concoction.

    21. Throwing a barbecue where everyone successfully brings their fair share of grub.

    22. Working it on someone's shoulders at a festival.

    23. Camping beneath the stars.

    24. Roasting marshmallows.

    25. Watching sunrise.

    The majority of the above might be once-in-a-summertime occasions, but you can keep that sweet feeling topped up throughout with Unnamed Confectionery Brand.