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    Comedian Tells Jokes About Cancer!

    Comedian, Jennifer Finley, diagnosed with cancer in 2016 learns to cope with her situation.

    In February of 2016 I was diagnosed with esophagus cancer, which people my age usually do not get. They still are not sure how I got it.

    How I found out I had it:

    For a few months I was having issues eating, I would eat something and get a pain in my stomach and end up throwing up. Not actual throw up but the food would come back up the way it went down. At first I thought maybe it was something to do with gluten because it mostly happened with breads and pasta. I gave up those items for a while but then it started happening with other foods. It was starting to get worse so I went to the doctor. They did a scope, where they put a camera down the throat to see what is going on, and found some lumps that they took a biopsy of. Come to find out it was cancerous. Had the surgery done, as you can see from the video they put in a port (used for chemo) and a feeding tube so I can get my nutrients.

    I was tired most of the time so this is all I ended up recording while in the hospital. They would bring me things to eat and drink, such as jell-o, coffee, water and juice. But I couldn't consume it. I was able to take a few sips of the juices (my mom made me).

    When I got out of the hospital, after about a week, I started chemo and radiation. It made me really weak and tired. My first chemo treatment I had a really bad reaction and they had to slow it down. They ended up giving me steroids to take before treatment. After 6 weeks of both treatments I was done. Still unable to eat, I was given a feeding machine to use with my feeding tube. It had gotten so bad, to the point where even if I would drink liquid I would get really sick and start gagging till it came back up. Sometimes I would get the same reaction just out of nowhere. I ended up losing over 50 pounds in less than 3 months.

    A few weeks after chemo and radiation I started to feel good, so good that I was able to actually go out and go to stores instead of being cooped up all day. Even at one point getting back on stage to perform! Even though I had to do it hooked up to my machine!

    Jennifer Finley has been doing stand-up comedy for over 3 years, performing mostly in Arizona. Earlier in 2016 she was diagnosed with esophagus cancer. Forced to stop performing due to being so sick and weak she sat around all day unable to have fun. Finally weeks after chemo and radiation she was feeling good, and missed the stage.

    I know some people in this situation make GoFundMe accounts to ask for money, she is not doing that. All she wants is for her comedy to be shared; she want to make people laugh and inspire people. Let them know that no matter what happens in life never let anything stop you from doing what you love.