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    Fly Fishing The Boyne River

    See what fly fishing in the Boyne River during winter looks like through the eyes of a True North Trout guide.

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    Through My Eyes

    Most people wouldn't even think about hopping into a river this time of year, but for for this weeks Through My Eyes were going right into the Boyne River with a guide from True North Trout.

    Hi, my name is Brian, my friends call me Koz, and we're about to go fly fishing on the Boyne River and this is what it looks like Through My Eyes.

    What happens with most people, our stories are almost all similar, dad takes us fishing at 9 or 10 with a bobber, or we go fly fishing -- we get into it. We get through high school and we hit college and all of a sudden we're going to bars and chasing beer and chasing women and we forget about our passions. I did the same thing and then around 30 it clicked and I was missing something.

    The fish are secondary, I get out and my soul is replenished I'm rejuvenated.

    I've got 13 years sobriety. 15 years ago I was homeless, and fly fishing and fly tying is a whole 'nother world, but I put myself into it like I did drinking, and this has become my sobriety.

    Anytime we go to a river we want to slow down and try to pay attention to what going on with the river, what bugs might be hatching what the temperature might be doing the barometer.

    This is the middle of February and we are in the middle of another polar vortex so were not going to see any buts hatching, but in the middle of winter, if it warms up to 30-35 degrees, you'll see little black snow flies that will hatch. They will climb up on the snow, if you match that hatch you an have an absolutely phenomenal day.

    We call him the little Hercules. He has forearms like Arnold Swarzenegger. We laugh at them. Very flat body, flat head, strong arms. They live in the ripple zone and hide in between rocks, and when these guys hatch, you'll see Marsh Browns all over the river -- it's a larger Mayfly.

    Anytime I talk to anyone about going fishing in the winter time, they say don't the rivers freeze? Well the rivers don't freeze, they stay in motion and that's why they don't freeze. They may get below 32 degrees, but they're not going to freeze and that's why there are bugs living underneath there, and the fish still need to eat even though their metabolisms have slowed down tremendously. They are going to eat every once and a while, and for some of us we just like to go get in the river and freeze up our waders and see if we can't find a fish that might cooperate and take a bite.

    Of you'd like to know more about Brian and his trips, head to his website here.