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    The 10 Ways A Four Letter Word Could Ruin Your Life

    What the heck is TTIP? If you don’t know what it is, be afraid, be very afraid - and read on for what you can do about it. TTIP for short, or the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership in full: it’s a complicated name for a dodgy deal between Europe and America.

    1) Goodbye NHS, hello permanent privatisation

    2) Imagine a world where the profits of healthcare companies decide how we help the sick and the elderly

    3) And not just the NHS, that could go for all public services in the UK

    4) In fact, it might open the floodgates to companies suing the UK for risking their profits

    5) The behind-closed-doors negotiations are great for business lobbyists’ privacy...

    6) But it’s not good news for yours...

    7) And most of those getting a say are corporate lobbyists. Think they’ll have your best interests at heart?

    8) Food safety laws in the UK could be watered down

    9) Our environmental standards could be threatened…letting in environmentally dodgy products

    10) And it might not be that great at creating jobs anyway!

    ...and one thing you can do about it!

    But DON'T DESPAIR! There's actually way more than one thing you can do about it. But the first thing you can do is visit Start by signing the petition and spread the news. Together, people power can fix or scrap this deal.