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    Reddit In Uproar Over Firing Of Community-Favorite Admin

    Reddit users are in huge uproar after firing of admin Victoria Taylor and many subreddits (reddit message boards) go private protesting which locks out millions.

    Victoria Taylor ( was found to be let go from reddit Inc today in a widely-criticized move. She was a favorite of redditors who would always take the time to respond to comments, posts, and messages. However, her most important duty was to help set up many important Reddit AMAs. One of the most known parts about Reddit were their AMAs (Ask Me Anythings). They were when anyone could make a post and users could ask them questions about pretty much anything. In recent years, many celebrities used this as a platform to connect with their fans although anybody could do one if they wanted to. President Barack Obama did an AMA ahead of the 2012 election and prominent actors, singers, scientists, authors, politicians, athletes, and many others have also done them. Victoria was instrumental in this process as she was able to set up these AMAs by verifying the person, teaching them how to use Reddit, and even typing out their responses as dictated by them. Now with her being fired, the main AMA subreddit (/r/IAmA) temporarily shut down to discuss among themselves how to proceed since they had many upcoming AMAs with celebrities scheduled, and with Victoria gone, no way to contact them. Other subreddits such as /r/books and /r/science who regularly hold AMAs also went private. A /r/books moderator had this to say about the situation and why they went private: "This seems to be a seriously stupid decision. We have several AMAs upcoming in /r/books and have no idea how to contact the authors." Another huge problem with this Reddit decision is that the mods of the /r/IAmA subreddit were not even notified of her firing. They found out because someone who was scheduled to do an AMA complained about not being able to contact Victoria. At the time of this article, fifteen subreddits with over a million subscribers have gone private in protest and another two have locked submissions. An updating list can be found here: