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    Why Would You Take A History Class To Learn About Vegas?

    Don't be boring and take a class about the history of Las Vegas. Be awesome and go see the best show IN Vegas ABOUT Vegas.

    History Classes Are Boring

    Let's be honest. History class was not a school favorite. Sure, there were some that loved it but if you are like me, you sat there wondering if there was a more exciting way for the information to be presented. For those who grew up living in Las Vegas they got to see the city change with the times. For those who lived out of state, they may have had a little bit of local history, but a lot of it is American history. What people may not realize is that in addition to the importance of the major events in American history there have been certain towns that defined the regions they are located in. For the Southwestern United States one of those towns was Las Vegas.

    From Sand and Rocks to Gambling and Hotels

    I don't want to sit here and go on and on about how the town started as a settlement for travelers and eventually turned into a fairly decent watering hole for those going further west to mine for gold. Then of course there was the expansion and the eventual construction of the first hotel and casino. The legalization of gambling led to vacationers eventually making it a hot spot. Eventually there was a growth in the towns size thanks to a hefty contribution from some.... "businessmen" in the area. But enough about all that. You probably know Vegas as the mega-resort, entertainment, magic and overall party capital of the world. What gets most people is just how Vegas went from this quiet desert town, to a city that never sleeps. Rather than sit through a boring presentation or some type of class that you have to take a test on, there is one show, among all of the ones that dot the famous Las Vegas Strip, that will give you a look into that history but do it in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Welcome to, VEGAS! the Show.

    Learn About Vegas In Spectacular Fashion

    Learn about the rich history of Sin City, but instead of reading words on a page, you are watching the history unfold before your eyes, live on stage. Imagine if every class you took in college had showgirls dancing around the room, or your professors were dressed in full suits. It would make things a bit more interesting wouldn't it? VEGAS! the Show showcases the evolution of Las Vegas and it not only teaches you where things were and where they are going, but it does so in such a way you can not help but be captivated. We all know by now that Vegas has made its reputation on showcasing some of the most fascinating and sinful entertainment in the world. In VEGAS! the Show, you get to actually re-live the moment that made the town what it is today. It truly is a one-of-a-kind spectacular experience complete with everything that makes Vegas... Vegas!

    Learn about Vegas the only way it should be taught, with flare, style glitz and glamour. VEGAS! the Show is perfect for everyone. Unlike the feeling you had after you had to write that 20 page history paper on a Saturday, you will not be disappointed. Get your tickets for VEGAS! the Show and see what it's all about.