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11 Reasons Fingerprints Just Won't Cut It Anymore

"It's a match!" Although way better than your numerical passwords, fingerprints have their faults. So if you really want security, get 1U — the system that combines liveness and multiple biometrics to give maximum security.

The fingerprint has been the primary force in identification for over a CENTURY.

But, it's actually not perfect perfect.

1. First of all, let's put it out there: It's possible for you to have the same fingerprints as someone else.

2. And transferring your fingerprint is a little sloppier than you might imagine.

3. With that said, expert spoofers can design fake fingerprints with ease.

4. You can lose your fingerprints (and identity!) without really knowing it.

5. Some fingerprints can be a bit too... err... seasoned.

6. The more fingerprints gathered, the more likely a false match will occur.

7. But never fear! There will always be a criminal on deck ready to steal those fingerprints.

8. Fingerprinting doesn't hold up in courts quite like it did in the good ol' days.

9. And just like within any field of research, experts can often see different things between the cracks.

10. Put simply, it's behind the times. Even currencies are getting dolled up with "fingerprints" nowadays.

Unique patterns on currencies made with nanowires can fight forgery. So no, you don't necessarily have to be alive to have a "print."

11. And... ICYMI... cats have 'em too.

Since fingerprints aren't enough, use 1U's biometric liveness authentication system for real security.