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    5 Teeth-Friendly Ways To Enjoy National Junk Food Day

    Let's be real. Most people don't abstain from junk food. We have some suggestions to help you enjoy National Junk Food Day and still be able to look at your teeth (and your dentist) in the morning.

    1. Get the Good Stuff.

    Ohhh Yeahhhhh. We mean chocolate. 70% Cacao or higher. It'll taste even better when we tell you that dark chocolate can actually fight cavities. So go ahead and splurge.

    2. Slow Down and Savor

    Very few things are good when they are rushed. Enjoy what you're doing, and be present in the moment. To be clear, we are talking about eating chocolate, here.

    3. Moderation is Key

    Overdoing it may feel great in the moment, but you (and your teeth) will probably feel pretty gross afterwards. Take your time and stop before you're full. If you also follow suggestions #2 and #5, you should be just fine.

    4. Chase it With Water (And Brush Later)

    When you're done enjoying your treats, give your mouth a good swish with water to help prevent sugars and dark pigments from sticking to and staining your teeth. Then follow it up with a good brush and floss session when you can get a break.

    5. It's Better With Friends

    Make it a group affair by sharing with your friends. You'll all eat less and enjoy being a little bit bad, together. And let's face it, when your friends hear you've brought the good stuff, they're coming anyway.