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    Got Self-Esteem?

    Facebook and how people utilize it.

    Got self-esteem? If you're on Facebook or Instagram, you probably do. Facebook and Instagram is a social network that many people depend on. It's a part of millions of people and their lives, which can and has become a problem to many in a negative and positive way.

    Some of the positives you can take away is the fact that you can reconnect with old friends, classmates, family, and make new friends. You can share how life is going for you through photos and status updates. You can share your accomplishments. You can share job openings, volunteer info, events, etc., just to name a few.

    Some of the negatives you can take away is, bullying. Bullying does not make you big and bad. It makes you a coward. Bullies are hurt people. Next, not everyone you add as a friend or add you as a friend, is really your "friend." And those photos you post, not everyone thinks they are cute. People will lie and say it is just for the sake of commenting and clicking that "like" button. This is a fact. I have personally heard people say they don't really look or like, they just click it. You want to know why they do that? Because they want a "like" and a comment in return. People can and will make you feel like the most beautiful or handsome girl/guy in the world on Facebook. And don't get me wrong, some of the compliments probably are genuine, but do not assume that all are, because then you would be in denial.

    Now, I did say that people will lie on your photos and updates and I listed it as a negative. However, it can also be looked as a positive. Whether it is a lie or not, a compliment may be what someone needs to hear to feel better. You never know what a person is going through in their lives. A kind word can go a long way. But, that doesn't mean go around telling lies to everyone just so you can get a "like" and comment in return on your photos and updates.

    Let's clear something up, Facebook, Instagram, and other social networking sites, are not the cause of negativity. The cause of it, is people and how they choose to use it.

    Let's not forget about those who feels the need to add everyone that sends them a request or because they have "mutual" friends, they add/accept. I guess the more friends the more important they must feel. Then once they have been added, they get upset about what they are posting. Why complain about what others are posting? I mean you are the one who added or accepted the request. The solution is simple: Hide or delete them. You can't be mad at what someone is posting on their page. If you don't like what you see, hide or delete them. There is no need to waste energy complaining.

    Then you have the photobookers (yes, I made that up), meaning, those who ONLY post photos. And when they do post, it is only for likes and comments. These people must really need a good self-esteem booster. And most of the time it works. People "like" and comment and you will never know if they mean it or not. But if it makes them feel good, That's a good thing, right?

    What about the debbie downers? Yes, we all have bad days and sometimes we all could use a little pick me up, but not everyone wants to read how miserable someone is every single day.

    And why do we care so much if someone likes to post positive and inspirational sayings and quotes? Why is that such an issue with people? I do not care if they aren't practicing what they are preaching, the point is they are sharing something positive. With how crazy the world is, we could use all the positivity we can get. Those quotes could boost someone's self-esteem. It could make someone's day. It's not always about practicing what you preach. It's not always about, "I won't click 'like' because of who posted it. It isn't about the person, it is about the message. Only someone who is negative will have an issue with someone posting positive stuff. We could all practice what we preach, but sometimes it is a hard pill to swallow, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't share positive things. People change.

    There's so many studies showing how social networking sites are used in a positive way. It's just unfortunate that many people are using them for the wrong reasons.

    If you need a self-esteem booster, it doesn't start with social networking sites, it starts within yourself. You have to love yourself first. Surround yourself with positive people. Change your mindset. Let go of negative thoughts. Meditate. Dump that boring routine you have and take on something new. Do things that makes you feel good.

    Confidence isn't always about a person's look. Know that you are awesome and own it.

    Also, lets stop allowing social media sites to dictate how it makes you feel. Did you feel good about yourself before there were these social media sites?

    Let's stop allowing social media to dictate our communication with others? Remember that time when there was no Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, and we all actually called our friends to see how they were doing? That time when we actually met up with our friends face-to-face to catch up on each others lives? Let's stop allowing these sites to diminish traditional communication.

    I know I sort of jumped off topic, but it all goes hand in hand, because sometimes we can take these sites too serious. We get too consumed. Take a breather sometimes in real life with friends and family. You will see how much fun you've been missing out on.

    Go be AWESOME!