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    15 Incredible Works Of Fiction

    The greatest possible novels you can hope to read--of course there are hundreds more, but these are 15 to seriously consider.

    1. 1. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

    2. 2. Cupcake

    3. 3. Attachments

    4. 4. It's Kind Of A Funny Story

    5. 5. One Day

    6. 6. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

    7. 7. Warm Bodies

    8. 8. Exit The Actress

    9. 9. The Night Circus

    10. 10. The Book Theif

    11. 11. High Fidelity

    12. 12. The Marriage Plot

    13. 13. Same Difference

    14. 14. 8 White Nights

    15. 15. Pretty Little Dirty