Becoming A Teacher: Expectation Vs Reality

    Few people on the planet are as motivated and idealistic as new teachers. If only we stayed that way...

    Expectation: Endless enthusiasm.

    The reality:

    Paperwork, cover lessons, politics; holding in silent screams during meetings is your new ab workout.

    Expectation: Exciting, interactive lessons.


    Expectation: Extra-curricular adventures.


    Expectation: Clean living.


    Magic trick tip: if you want to see pints of beer and glasses of Pinot Grigio disappear, go to a school-adjacent pub at 4pm on a Friday. Return an hour and a half later for a performance of the trying-to-carry-a-huge-bag-of-marking-to-the-bus-while-shitfaced dance.

    Expectation: Meaningful marking.


    Expectation: Work/life balance.


    Wave goodbye to week nights, Sundays and going to bed later than 10pm. And when OFSTED come calling, you get to experience the kind of sleep patterns encountered by torture victims.

    Expectation: Quality time.


    Detentions, playground duties and other time-zappers obliterate your precious break. A cheese baguette at your desk is the height of luxury.

    Expectation: Trips!


    Expectation: Changing lives.


    Expectation: Professional identity.

    Above all else, your greatest tool will be your teaching persona. You will showcase intelligence and wisdom, maintaining an air of authority at all times.


    Expectation: Emotional fulfilment.
