RNC Chair Calls Harry Reid A "Dirty Liar"

    After Reid charges that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years, Reince Priebus fights back. Coincidence? Clint Eastwood just endorsed Romney.

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    Reid Spokesman Adam Jentleson sends this response:

    Republicans can try to cover up for Mitt Romney's stonewalling all they want, but this issue is not going away until Romney decides to be straight with the American people and release his tax returns. It is sad that the most secretive candidate since Richard Nixon has forced his party to defend his decision to hide the truth about his tax returns. As Senator Reid has said, an extremely credible source informed him that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for ten years. From the one year of returns Romney has released, we've seen that he uses secret offshore accounts in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands to avoid paying U.S. taxes. It's clear Mitt Romney is hiding something, and the only way for him to clear this up is to be straight with the American people and release his tax returns.