Obama Emails For Barrett

    Obama uses campaign list to encourage supporters to support Barrett in Wisconsin recall election.

    President Barack Obama followed up his tweet in support of Mayor Tom Barrett's efforts to unseat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker today with a blast email to Wisconsin email lists beloning to his campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

    Sent early Tuesday morning, the email says Barrett has "been a dedicated congressman and a great mayor, and he would make an outstanding governor for Wisconsin," but makes no mention of Walker. The email's late timing means it's unlikely to make much of a difference in an election that has dominated airwaves with tens of millions of advertising dollars.

    After personally tweeting his support of Barrett last night, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus mocked Obama in a tweet of his own for not campaigning with Barrett in person.

    @BarackObama - bold tweet from the President who wouldn't actually campaign with him or step foot in Wisconsin. #istandwithwalker

    @BarackObama - bold tweet from the President who wouldn't actually campaign with him or step foot in Wisconsin. #istandwithwalker-- Reince Priebus