Obama Attacks Republican "Avalanche Of Attack Ads"

    Says they're not appealing to "the better angels of nature." He hasn't seen anything yet.

    CHICAGO, Ill. — With the Republican candidates flocking to his home state, President Barack Obama attacked the "avalanche of attack ads" that have come to dominate the Republican primary season.

    "You may be watching this avalanche of attack ads, and you may think it’s not appealing to the better angels of our nature," Obama said, doubting that his "counterparts on the other side" would allow Abraham Lincoln to "rub off" on them.

    "I hope that while my counterparts on the other side enjoy the outstanding hospitality of the people Illinois and spend some money here to promoting our economy. I hope they also take a little bit of time to reflect on this great man, the first Republican president. Of course, you may not feel confident that will happen...But hope springs eternal."