Joe Biden's New Map

    It's missing North Carolina and Colorado.Paging the Obama campaign.

    Vice President Joe Biden predicted a big electoral win for the Democratic ticket on Tuesday night, but left off two swing states from his map.

    In an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Biden said he and President Barack Obama will win Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Hampshire, adding that they have an "even chance" of winning Virginia and Florida.

    But Biden skipped two swing states — North Carolina, which is leaning toward Republicans, and Colorado, which has been thought to be somewhat of a toss-up. The Obama campaign has proclaimed an early vote lead in North Carolina, arguing Republicans need to win 65 percent of the Election Day vote, and Colorado has long been a battleground, but one that Democrats believe they can carry.

    BIDEN: I think that we're going to win. I don't think it's going to be close in the Electoral College. I think we're going to win clearly and I think you're going to see -- I think we're going to win this state, Ohio.

    I've been in here 23, 24 days, something like that. I think we're going to win Iowa, we're going to win Wisconsin, we're going to win Nevada, we're going to win New Hampshire. I think we've got an even chance of winning Virginia and Florida.

    So it could be a big win. And it also could be close. But I think the firewall here of Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa -- I think it's going to hold firm.