If Huntsman Has A Great Night Tonight, Will Perry Drop Out And Endorse Him?

    The Texas conservative and Utah squish are unlikely pals. Even if they disagree on climate change, religion.

    MANCHESTER, New Hampshire—Texas Gov. Rick Perry is in for an embarrassing finish tonight in New Hampshire, where he is polling even with fringe candidate Buddy Roemer. After nearly dropping out after Iowa, will back out after New Hampshire — and if so, will he back his friend Jon Huntsman?

    Such is the buzz (read: wishful thinking) at Huntsman events over the past few days, as he rises in the polls.

    The Huntsman campaign isn't commenting on "speculation," but the appeal — and the fit — is obvious. There is no love lost between Perry and Romney, as evidenced in this cycle's debates, while Perry and Huntsman have been close since Huntsman was governor of Utah and led the Western Governors Association.

    The New York Times' Ashley Parker even described the pair as "true-blue friends," and they agree on policy issues ranging from the flat tax to term limits for members of Congress.

    Perry spokeswoman Liz Mair brushed aside the "rumors," and said Perry is committed to he South Carolina primary.

    "While the rumor mill is apparently running amok in New Hampshire, Rick Perry is working and campaigning hard in South Carolina, a state whose primary he is 100% committed to winning, as he is the Republican nomination itself," she told BuzzFeed.