Democrats On Huntsman Endorsing Romney After Months Of Attacks: "It's All Still True"

    Huntsman can delete his videos, but the DNC has them archived. "While the Huntsman campaign tries to rewrite history, let us remind you of some of Jon Huntsman's greatest hits against Mitt Romney. They are all still true," emails spokeswoman Melanie Roussell, who sends along the committee's latest jab at Romney's job creation claims.

    MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina—Jon Huntsman may have endorsed Mitt Romney today, but Democrats aren't going to let Romney forget the barrage of attacks his former opponent leveled against him over the past six months.

    Huntsman has tried to scrub any evidence of his attacks on Romeny, pulling down his attack videos from YouTube and redirecting his negative microsites to

    But a new video from the Democratic National Committee relives the Huntsman attacks — and includes the mysterious motocross rider that defined Huntsman's quixotic campaign even before it started.

    Watch it below:

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