Cory Booker Apologizes: "Sorry I Make U Sick"

    After Meet The Press interview goes wrong, Booker is still not over the backlash on Twitter. "The truth expressed without love and care can sometimes be as damaging as a lie."

    Sorry I make u sick. And sorry I made a mistake. I'm sorry that 15 seconds on MTP erodes my 20 yrs of work in inner cities around our nation

    Sorry I make u sick. And sorry I made a mistake. I'm sorry that 15 seconds on MTP erodes my 20 yrs of work in inner cities around our nation-- Cory Booker

    In the end we are all imperfect. Best we can do is learn from our mistakes, not let them stop u but make u stronger. As u continue to

    In the end we are all imperfect. Best we can do is learn from our mistakes, not let them stop u but make u stronger. As u continue to-- Cory Booker

    Honesty still needs to be expressed with care. RT @captkirc: Sad when being honest to the public is a considered to be a mistake.

    Honesty still needs to be expressed with care. RT @captkirc: Sad when being honest to the public is a considered to be a mistake.-- Cory Booker

    The truth expressed without love and care can sometimes be as damaging as a lie. @captkirc

    The truth expressed without love and care can sometimes be as damaging as a lie. @captkirc-- Cory Booker