Barbara Bush Robocalls For Romney In Ohio, But Cuts Reference To Obama

    Calls on behalf of President George H.W. Bush. "We have known the Romneys for years, and believe Mitt is the best man to lead the country for the next four years — and Ann will make a great First Lady." [UPDATED]

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    UPDATE: The script heard in the video above was not the original. ABC News' Michael Falcone reported this script earlier this morning:

    “I’m supporting Mitt for one simple reason: America cannot survive four more years of Barack Obama, and Mitt is the man to lead America, and we need him now,” Bush says on the call, which is hitting households in both states ahead of Tuesday’s primaries.

    Jim McGrath, a spokesman for President George H. W. Bush after he left the White House, noted the change on Twitter:

    Twitter: @jgm41