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    15 Signs You're Addicted To The Food Network

    "I could totally make that." *continues to eat Ramen*

    1. You begin to describe anything you make as if you're talking to judges.

    2. You're shocked when someone doesn't know who Guy Fieri is.

    3. You know all the Chopped judges by name.

    4. Ditto for Cupcake Wars.

    5. You start trying to tell people the "right way" to cook things.

    6. You've convinced yourself that you deserve to have a cooking show.

    7. You own at least one (or five) Food Network cookbooks.

    8. You now know fancy chef terms like, "composite dish," and sometimes use them in your daily life.

    9. Sometimes you forget you can't actually eat the foods on the shows and then get upset.

    10. Even though you can't actually taste the food you're still very sure about your opinions.

    It can't taste bad if it looks that good.

    11. You can recognize Alton Brown from a mile away.

    12. This is still your biggest pet peeve even though you've come to accept it.

    13. You'd rather binge watch Ace of Cakes on Netflix than any other show.

    14. You love when your favorite chefs make it into the main stream.

    15. And these are your priorities.
