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    Army Wife Outs Douchebag Neighbor

    An Australian Defence Force wife has taking on an obnoxious neighbor, who didn't like how she kept her yard.

    So what does one do when they find themselves victim to one of the worst first-world problems...?

    Well, if you’re a douchebag... write your neighbour an unnecessary and inexplicably angry letter...

    ...then sit back and congratulate yourself for making the world a better place...

    That is, until your neighbor responds with a letter of their own -- for the whole nighborhood to see...

    Yep, that's right -- what with a full-time job, 3 kids and a husband serving in Afganistan, this woman had lost perspective of things and what's really important, hence the neglected yard...

    Whoever wrote the original letter should be glad the woman's husband didn't get it first...

    ...and reply in his own special way...