
Workin' The Tease

Workin’ The Tease was born out of our mutual love for the world of burlesque. Miss Kitty Kat DeMille and Mona Bella met two years ago after both joining The Dollface Dames, LA’s Theatre Burlesque Troupe. Mona was a skilled songbird with voice of Broadway ingénue who could also dance like the dickens. Kitty Kat was a brainy ballerina who also infiltrated the world of aerial silks and fire dancing. Since neither of them had ever done burlesque before joining the Dames they bonded over becoming fast learners to the art of the tease. From Los Angeles to Vegas to Park City for the Sundance Film Festival, Kitty Kat and Mona traveled far and wide performing to eager crowds. And everywhere they went they got asked the same questions: Do you tell your parents you do burlesque? How does your boyfriend feel about it? You don’t have a boyfriend? Can I get your number? These two gals realized that every burly performer gets asked these questions. They put their two fabulously coiffed heads together and thought: burly dancers are smart, funny, and sassy, I bet if we put some of them on camera they’d give some smart, funny, and sassy answers to these questions. So at BHOF (Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend) 2014 the first season of Workin’ The Tease was born!

Jul 2014
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