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Eden Wood's Nearly Nonsensical Interview

This is why child stars shouldn't be allowed on live television.

My favorite part is when the interview deteriorates into Eden mimicking every word her mother says, to which her mom replies, "Do we need to have a 'Come To Jesus' meeting?" Then Eden pretends to shoot a gun at the camera for the rest of the interview.

Via cbsatlanta.com

Interviewer: "Tell me about your reality show."
Eden: "Um, it's ....Awesome!"
Mom: "Be serious for a few minutes and tell her what 'Eden's World' is about."
Eden: "'Eden's World' is about me, helping out kids, la la la, blah blah blah, birdy feet."

Then again, given some of her previous television appearances, I don't know what I was expecting:

View this video on YouTube

Via jezebel.com