Alec Baldwin And Garry Shandling Star In The Most Awkward Boxing Match Ever

    Hidden deep inside of the extras of the "Not Just The Best Of Larry Sanders" DVD resides this video of Alec Baldwin and Garry Shandling engaging in a not-so-friendly boxing match. An oldie but a goodie, we thought it worth discussing on with Alec Baldwin's recent spat with American Airlines still in the headlines and the new season of "30 Rock" being so close we can taste it.

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    As the story goes, Alec once stole Garry's girlfriend away from him both on the actual "Larry Sanders Show" and in real life. Do you think the two actually hate each other, as shown in this clip, or do you think it's just more of Garry Shandling's well-planned shenanigans? Either way, I know I won't ever look at Jack Donaghy the same again.