

Rhett Burch is a 32-year-old living in New York City. He credits NYC as the place that broke him and the place that helped build him into the person he is today. He is a writer, musician, uncle, volunteer and recovering alcoholic. Rhett was born & raised outside of Houston, TX and moved to NYC in 2011 to work for a civil rights organization. Rhett devotes much of his time speaking to people struggling with addiction and mental illness at hospitals, recovery centers & youth organizations. He recently began a 4 year mentor program with a student in the Bronx. Rhett practices recovery daily and has a program that works for him. He tries to live each day with an unyielding pursuit of positive thought aided by compassion and understanding. His intention is to share his story of recovery and the process that has relieved him from many years of self-destructive behavior, depression, anxiety and at times outright misery. In order to keep this new life he has to give it away. Rhett approaches those that ask for help and does not force his views on anyone. He practices a non-judgmental stance in all of his affairs and hopes that his story of experience, strength and hope will resonate with those that read it. Rhett is grateful to call New York City his home and currently resides in Brooklyn.

Dec 2014
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