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Looking at Gwyneth Paltrow Can Save Your Life.

Gwyneth Paltrow is now taking credit for saving the life of a woman on 9/11. Seriously?!! As if we needed ANOTHER reason to hate this bitch, apparently just the mere sight of Gwen saves lives. Lara Lundstrom Clarke believes her life was saved by a chance encounter with the actress on Sept. 11, 2001, according to The Morton Report. Clarke was rushing to get to work at the Twin Towers in New York City when she jaywalked in order to get to the subway station. As she crossed 7th Avenue, a Mercedes SUV came barreling toward her. Both Clarke and the car stopped in their tracks, and as the driver waved her across she realized it was Paltrow behind the wheel. The near-collision caused Clarke to miss her train, and by the time she got to work, the first plane had hit the World Trade Center. Four people in her office died that day.