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    Your Pregnancy Scare, As Explained By "30 Rock"

    The dramatic tension, the tears, the insatiable craving for pizza ... "30 Rock" just gets it. And they're here for you.

    1. P-Scares always seem to happen just as you're starting to get your life together.....

    2. One fine day, you're going about your normal business, when all of a sudden-

    3. "How many days has it been since............?"

    4. This is immediately followed by an intense flashback to your birth control failing.

    5. Then the realization that you actually have been acting kinda weird this month...

    6. So you do the dumbest thing possible and check out your symptoms on WebMD.

    7. But it's still early in the P-Scare, so instead of actually being nervous, you're just taking this opportunity to tell all of your friends that you're late.

    8. (But, as a warning: you don't always get the reaction that you'd hoped for.)

    9. Your girlfriends always give you their support in the best way that they know how:

    10. And by now, drinking the problem away seems like a feasible option, so you're all:

    11. (But, as another warning: when you drink in this fragile emotional state, it usually turns out like this)

    12. And don't even try dragging your guy friends into this.

    13. At this point, your thinking might start getting kind of...weird...

    14. One totally normal, expected reaction is to begin plotting against the "big dumb idiot guy who put you in this situation!"

    15. You might even feel a kind of ... maternal instinct kick in...

    16. No matter what, you'll probably start considering your options. All of which cost money .... which brings your mind to, "How the hell am I gonna get this money?"

    17. By now, you're so overwhelmed that every day is a struggle.

    18. Once your mind can't handle another second of it, you finally give in and go to the store to buy a pregnancy test.

    And after that unnerving encounter, you'll probably chicken out, call an audible, leave your whole basket in aisle 4 and get the hell out of there.

    19. Finally, your little friend comes, and you've never been happier to see her.

    20. The trauma of the P-Scare will probably cause you to swear off sex forever.

    21. So get back out there, restock your condom stash, and for God's sake, Lemon, lay off the Sabor de Soledads!