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    Zeitgeist: Money Riots In Birkenhead And London

    You may have seen some the Birkenhead court riot footage from a couple of weeks ago on YouTube if you got tired of all of the all Charlie Sheen all the time channels and went digging for something different (Via).

    • Birkenhead court riot

      Not too many have seen any of the footage of dozens of protestors taking over a courtroom in Birkenhead, UK after their leader, Roger Hayes, tried to get the judge to take an oath of office. He was protesting a council tax. Much more footage is available on YouTube, of course.

    • London Protests and Riot

      No doubt you'll be seeing a lot more of this protest and riot. It was a protest against austerity measures. So, money once again.

    • Zeitgeist: Moving Backwards?

      I'm sure some of the protesters above MEANT to bring their bags of cash with them. You know how easy it is to forget things at the last minute, though. As far as I've heard, no one was tossing large quantities of money into a pile in front of the Bank of England. Skip ahead to around 2:35:00 for the money dump scene...

    • I Want My Jack

      "Keep your hands off of MY stack" "Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a rise, it's no surprise that they're giving none away." - Pink Floyd, "Money"