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    Hocus Pocus Explains Everything About Politics In Washington

    Hocus Pocus is clearly the greatest movie ever. But it turns out this Halloween classic offers some solid insight into politics in Washington, too! As if we didn't already know that Hocus Pocus applies everything.

    There's something scary lurking in Washington.

    Well, surprise, surprise... It's the national debt!

    And just last week, it reached over $17 trillion. That’s trillion, with a “T.”

    Feeling a little dazed? Yeah, that’s normal.

    You’ll get over it. Then you’ll get angry because Washington doesn’t understand how bad this problem really is.

    But when you point out that Washington’s spending has clearly run amok, they will just ignore you.

    So you’ll likely come up with a few choice words for our leaders.

    Then you’ll get to thinking about your PERSONAL share of all of this debt, which just so happens to be $52,851.

    Which might make you want to vomit.

    You’ll run into the streets and yell in the vain hope that Congress and the president listen to you.

    But they won’t. So you’ll try to pretend that everything is fine.

    It won’t help. You’ll realize that Washington’s out-of-control spending is sucking the life out of you.

    So you’ll conclude that Washington is just looking for trouble as they continue to increase our massive debt.

    Years down the road, when the country is broke and Washington is mad it didn’t heed your warnings, they’ll probably tell you this:

    To which you can politely respond:

    But in the meantime, Washington will continue to eat up your tax dollars...

    ...As they try to convince you that needing a budget is nonsense

    But since you know politicians never operate inside the realm of reality, you’ll know they’re lying.

    So just keep calling them out on their wasteful spending habits no matter how awkward it gets.

    And know that you have better budgeting skills than Washington ever will.

    Finally, take comfort in the fact that when compared to Washington, you can say this: