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    Why BuzzFeed Should Come To Italy

    The Italian community wants to be part of the buzz. Adesso.


    We love BuzzFeed. No, seriously, we do. Or at least those of us who are conversant in English do. The rest can only enjoy the images to get a glimpse of the cornucopia of content on which they are missing out.


    BuzzFeed now speaks Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German. Remember that feeling of rejection expressed in point 1? Make it grande, even venti. With a shot of disappointment and a sprinkle of "Why, oh why?".


    The Italian market is a potential goldmine. It doesn't take a PhD to fathom the extent to which Italian users are struggling against language barriers to be able to join the international debate on addictive texts such as television series, fanfiction, Internet memes and whatnot (but I'd be glad to share my doctoral findings on fansubbing in Italy :-) ).


    Snack-reading is likely to gain even more ground as reading devices get smaller and easier to carry and multitasking reaches unprecedented peaks. At the moment there is hardly any competition in Italy, as the main providers of bite-sized reads either fail to grasp the principles of viral communication or embrace them blindly to the detriment of our poor, butchered language.


    Our cappuccino (the one served in a cup slightly larger than a teacup) is tailored to last as long as one equally effective, power-boosting BuzzFeed read. And we're willing to switch to tea for longer posts and enthralling quizzes (I'm lying, I'm a tea addict anyway - there's no switching off after just *one* post).

    So please, BuzzFeed, do give us the Boot. The one with an alpine top and an Apulian heel.