Wanda L.

Astragalomancy Fortune-telling by dice --draw 12" circle on a 16"x 16" piece of paper --think of a question --throw the dice into the circle --add up the #'s to get your answers 2--- no, never , forget about it. 3--- be cautious in coming days and you can look forward to a nice surprise. 4---you'll have good luck when you least expect it ( or deserve it) 5---your question will be answered in an unexpected way, (you've been warned) 6--- some kind of divine intervention will provide you with an answer. 7--- you're a winner, baby !!! 8---you already know the answer to your question so stop playing around and go do something useful 9---if the outcome is positive it's entirely due to a twist of fate 10---success!!! you can't lose !!! 11---be prepared, stay calm, karma is on your side. 12--regardless of the outcome you are fine with it, ( or you just did'nt care anyway). 1 dice rolls outside the circle--you'll get the answer you want eventually, if you think about it enough 2 dice roll outside the circle---you'll get the answer you want sooner than you expect ( or are ready for).

Jul 2009
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