
Vivien C.

I talk to animals. No I don't care if they don't understand. I like the way high stilettos hit the floor in a long corridor, like they usually do in abstract noir films. This is one of the reasons why I wear shoes that roar everywhere. I like the smell of spilt gasoline and shampoo fresh from the bottle. This is why I take so long in the bathrooms of my friends' homes, I must have frequent doses. I like the moist centre of birthday cakes, and usually leave the cream or frosting scraped off at the edge of my paper plate. If the cake is layered, I use my plastic fork to brush along the top layer, eat it, and then scrape the second layer's off, I do not take it all apart first. But if I had a choice between moist cakes or cheese/mousse cakes, I'd choose the cheese/mousse cakes. I hate Mc Dee, but if I had to, and it is a very important social occasion, I would only eat the fries. I put the pepper into the ketchup because the pepper never sticks to the fries if I sprinkle it on. I love going through customs, be it airports or boundaries; it makes me feel very important and uppity. When I was in "college", sometimes I took the bus and headed to the airport: It was as if vacation was just a bus ride away; or more like a secret getaway. I would spend hours there armed with nothing more than a camera and a coffee in hand. I collect wrapping paper and empty gift boxes left from presents I receive. I'm not a treehugger, but I do support recyling.

May 2009
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