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    20 Everyday Struggles All People Who Look Younger Than Their Age Can Relate To

    Yes, my mother does know that I'm out.

    1. You have to carry ID with you everywhere you go

    2. Because trying to get into club or bar without it is only going to end one way

    3. And telling boucers you stopped carrying ID when you turned 25 doesn't help

    4. Even when you have ID you're weirdly paranoid people will think it's fake

    5. When you tell people how old you are

    6. When people flat out refuse to believe your real age

    7. You don't always feel respected in the workplace

    8. Or worse, people think you're the work experience kid

    9. Your youthfulness tends to inspire a lot of boring gossip

    10. People take it really badly if you won't tell them how old you are

    11. Getting bossed around by people who are actually younger than you

    12. You can't really pull off 'sexy'

    13. So you're doomed to a life of being 'cute'

    14. You're getting sick of being chatted up by teenagers

    15. And people you like aren't interested because they think you're too young

    16. If you're a woman, people will constantly tell you you're lucky to not look your age

    17. Still, you recognise there are certain...advantages to looking younger

    18. That innocent face of yours means you can get away with a lot more than other people your age

    19. Plus, messing with people's heads can be fun

    20. And who knows, when you're older, maybe you'll decide to rock one of those younger guys/gals worlds after all...