25 Secrets Freelancers Won’t Tell You

    Ever thought of ditching your job and going out on your own? Read this first.

    1. Working for yourself can be SUPER stressful.

    2. But it can also be totally chill and pyjama-filled.

    3. Sometimes, you don't even set an alarm in the morning!

    4. But that's when clients always choose to call you.

    5. Or when the postman knocks and judges your bed-head.

    6. Sometimes, it can be quite lonely.

    7. But that's what other freelance friends are for!

    8. It's easier to make time for exercising when you're not on The Man's clock.

    9. But it's also really easy to work from the couch eating pizza all day.

    10. Sometimes, you work 16 hour days with no overtime.

    11. Other days, you'll watch TV for 16 hours. It's research, okay?!

    12. You always feel worried about taking a holiday.

    13. But taking random Mondays off feels JUSSSST fine.

    14. Networking suddenly seems really important.

    15. But you always forget to give people your card.

    16. Hustling for work can be really tiring.

    17. But when you get a commission or new client, it's the best feeling EVAH.

    18. Doing your own taxes is a major pain.

    19. But stationery is tax deductible.

    20. Your family might think you're only pretending to have a job

    21. But then they're extra proud when you hit paydirt!

    22. The uncertainty at times can feel overwhelming.

    23. It's easy to feel like you'll never get on the property ladder or be eligible for a loan.

    24. But the freedom, excitement and self-satisfaction is worth it.

    25. Oh, and not having to go to work in an office every day.