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    'West Wing' Stars Re-Unite To Launch White House's First Virtual 'Big Block Of Cheese' Day

    Josh Lyman and Will Bailey are pedeconferencing as we speak.

    Fans of 'The West Wing' - "Wingnuts", one might say - will recall how White House Chief of Staff Leo McGarry was an enthusiastic proponent of an archaic tradition known as 'Big Block of Cheese' Day

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    It was a political stunt that originated under this guy, President Andrew Jackson...

    Now the Obama administration is organising its first ever virtual 'Big Block of Cheese' Day on January 29th (the day after the State Of The Union), where people can submit any query they like to West Wing officials...

    ...and, to publicise it, White House press secretary Jay Carney has appeared in a video with 'West Wing' alums Josh Lyman and Will Bailey (aka Bradley Whitford and Joshua Malina).

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    Via YouTube.come

    (incidentally, it's not the first reality/fiction-blurring 'West Wing' reunion we've had in the last few years...)

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    (there was also this feed of joy when Allison Janney rejoined Twitter...)

    So go ahead: ask a question, no matter how crazy or silly you think it is. The White House is staffed with professionals who respect you and will take you seriously...

    Oh, and btw: how about a 'West Wing' reunion mini-series/TV movie, already? Here's a potential plot idea to get the ball rolling! Don't leave us hanging guys!