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    How Brits CAPE-tured The Comic Book Industry

    Superheroes make the world a better place. They rescue us from evil-doers. They make wearing spandex socially acceptable. And everyone loves them! Ahead of Baltimore Comic-Con, we take a look at how "positively British" the comic industry is!

    The Watchmen


    The Watchmen, often hailed as the greatest graphic novel of all time, was written by British writer Alan Moore, drawn by British artist Dave Gibbons. It was named one of Time's 100 All Time Greatest Novels in 2005, the only graphic novel to appear on the list. The stars of the film adaptation included British actor Matthew Goode.

    The Sandman

    V for Vendetta


    Alan Moore's other great success came in the form of V for Vendetta drawn by British artist David Lloyd. The graphic novel and film made the famous Guy Fawkes mask iconic. V for Vendetta was partially filmed in the UK and stared UK talent such as Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, John Hurt, Roger Allam, and many others. Speaking of Fawkes, we still remember him fondly each 5th of November, when we burn him in effigy to mark his failed attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605.

    The Dark Knight Trilogy

    Man of Steel

    Marvel’s The Avengers

    The Spider-Man franchises


    In the new Spider-Man franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker is played by Andrew Garfield. Although Garfield was born in Los Angeles, his mother is British. He was raised in Surrey and holds dual citizenship.



    A total of four different actors play the characters Magneto and Professor Charles Xavier in the series and the prequel. Three of the four are from the UK, and two are Knights of the Realm!


    Repeatedly facing off with the X-Men is Professor X’s former best friend Eric Lehnsherr (Magneto), played by Sir Ian McKellan.

    Guardians of the Galaxy


    The Guardians of The Galaxy comic was created by the 1969 team of Americans Arnold Drake and Gene Colan, then revisted in 2008 by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, both Brits The film version, to be released in 2014, is filming at Shepperton Studios in the UK, and includes UK talent such as Karen Gillan (aka Amy Pond in Doctor Who)! A dedicated actress, she even shaved her head for her new role!

    Baltimore Comic-Con is THIS WEEKEND!

    Thanks for the GREAT comics!