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    Mars Rat Turd Discovered By NASA? (PHOTO)

    Despite claims to the contrary by NASA and JPL it looks like the "rat lizard" of Mars may have left some evidence behind. A photo uploaded to the web by NASA this week, from an area not too far away, looks more like animal droppings than any "random collection of rocks eroded by time" as some NASA scientists have pointed out to a curious public when refuting that a lizard, or a rat, could have ever lived on Mars. This time, they may not be able to "pooh-pooh" the speculation that this photo could prove that animals one day roamed the Red Planet. The photo above is the highlighted picture, taken near some weird bluish rocks, in an area called Yellowknife Bay. Curiously, the page NASA published is missing the top edge of the image. It's not until the full resolution photo is clicked on that the "offal" truth is revealed... Read more about the Mars Rat turd discovered by NASA by clicking here or by pasting this link into your browser bar:

    Mars Rat Turd Discovered