Black People Learn About Kwanzaa

    “You’re black, right? What is Kwanzaa?!”

    We asked our black coworkers if they know about Kwanzaa. Turns out, they don't.

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    "Y'all are black, right? What's Kwanzaa?"

    Some people couldn't help but laugh at the question.

    Most of those asked felt embarrassed that they didn't know.

    Some folks had even celebrated it before, but were still clueless!

    So is it like Christmas or Hanukkah?!

    Or is it totally made up?

    So, here's the scoop: Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration.

    On each day you celebrate a new principle, but not before you wake up and say "Habari Gani," which means "what's up?" or "what's the news?"

    Each day you also light a candle on the Kinara. The red stands for the struggle, the black for the people, and the green for the future.

    The unity cup is passed around to all the family members, and the last sip is saved for ancestors who have passed away.

    IT'S LIT!