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    12 Famous Sweaters "Drawn" From Pop Culture

    The knits keep coming.

    PROBLEM: Winter's almost here, cold temps with it. SOLUTION: Bundle up with the gallery of sketchy sweaters compiled below, which collects pop culture's most iconic knits — as selected from tv, film, music, and more — in one place.

    1. Bullitt

    2. Bill Cosby

    3. Coraline

    4. The Dude From The Big Lebowski

    5. Ferris Bueller

    6. Freddy Krueger

    7. Kurt Cobain

    8. Mister Rogers

    9. Ned Flanders From The Simpsons

    10. Velma From "Scooby Doo"

    11. Waldo

    12. Weezer

    Everything All At Once