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    The Importance Of Being Human

    In the words of our favorite Phil Dunphy, "I love you when you're human."

    Be the best you can be.

    The rat race of life surrounds us all. Pressure to become the best, the brightest, the most successful haunts every one of us as we move through life, deciding where to go, who to be and what to do next.

    One mistake is a travesty.

    One wrong step and we feel our world is ending.

    Where does this pressure come from? When did we forget to just be human?

    I don't know what I'm doing any more than the next person. Sure, those who are older hold greater wisdom. I've come to learn something though:

    age does not prevent you from being scared.

    Age does not protect you from uncertainty.

    Age does not shield you from doubt.

    I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by many adults whom I greatly admire and respect, but it has only been in the past few weeks that I've come to recognize that they are just as capable of mistakes, fear, doubt and yes, success, as I am.

    They do not have it all figured out. They. Are. Human.

    They make mistakes.

    They doubt.

    They can be afraid.

    But most importantly, they are strong.

    And that, my friends, is the importance of being human.

    Strength (when it's easier to fall).

    Perseverance (when the going gets tough).

    Dedication (in the face of all things).

    Fear (it keeps us sharp).

    Victory (despite it all).

    I sure as hell don't have it all figured out. I don't know that anybody ever does.

    Just don't forget to be human.