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    What It's Like To Live With Dysautonomia In College

    Living with dysautonomia is scary, debilitating, and frustrating for anyone. But when you are in the era of your life that everyone calls "The best time of your life," with a dysfunctional automatic nervous system, you can't help feeling alone.

    You are watching everyone else take 18+ credits, work part time, run 3 campus organizations, and still have time to party. But all you feel is

    When you have to walk to class at 8 am but you can't find enough layers to wear to compensate for your lack of temperature control

    When you are trying to follow the lecture on a brain fog day

    When you go to a party and try to dance without triggering symptoms

    Everyone is double fisting beers and you're over here with your Gatorade

    Wearing literally anything to hide your compression socks/tights

    When you have to explain how your flare ups work to healthy people

    When you realize just how wheelchair inaccessible your campus is

    When your midterms and flare ups sync up

    And you don't even know how to answer this question

    Or when you have to explain your symptoms

    Your health center has never heard of your illness

    And then people give advice on how to cure your CHRONIC illness

    But their advice could not be any more moronic

    When you have to sit down immediately, no matter where you are, or you will faint

    When you have to start explaining your condition on a date

    And you realize that finding a date who can handle you AND your illness is impossible

    And people in the dining hall think you're crazy for how much salt you eat

    And the ever-embarrassing, fainting in class

    But you're getting through, one semester at a time