When I Met Sir Terry Pratchett

    I was lucky enough to meet the Discworld author, one of my all-time heroes, towards the end of his life.

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    During that interview he mentioned a documentary he'd taken part in about the right to die. It followed a man, Peter Smedley, who went to Switzerland for assisted suicide. “Frankly, Mr Smedley would probably be with us now, if he hadn’t had to go to Switzerland to do it," Pratchett said.

    Maybe it feels too soon to say this; maybe it's ghoulish, I don't know. But I do know that it would feel dishonest, on the day of Pratchett's death, not to talk about what he wanted from his death. I hope he got it. But I know that he would want someone to point out that the laws in this country make it less likely that he did.

    Anyway. Thank you, Sir Terry, for the last 24 years of my life. They would have been very different, and nowhere near as good, if it weren't for you.