This Is What The Price Of A House In London Could Buy You Literally Anywhere Else

    Hey, a one-bed on Coldharbour Lane is just as nice as a villa next to the Dordogne.

    You'll have noticed that buying a house in London is quite pricey.

    But when you look at what you could get for your money almost literally anywhere else, it's shocking. We looked at what different sums get you around Britain and the rest of the world.

    That's the price of this one-bedroom new-build flat in east London

    …and it's also the price of this four-bed home set in an acre of land in the Welsh borders

    …and this five-bed family home near the beach on the Isle of Wight.

    That could buy you this one-bedroom flat in Bloomsbury

    …or this six-bedroom pretty-much-a-mansion in the grounds of a castle in western Scotland…

    …or a job lot of 17 flats, comprising 41 bedrooms in total, in Ayr.

    It gets even more terrifying if you leave Britain. For the price of this unspectacular two-bedroom flat in Bermondsey, south London

    …you could buy this villa in the south of France which has a guest house and a swimming pool.

    And if you sold this two-bed flat in Aldgate

    …you could replace it with this ridiculously huge thing with a heated swimming pool in the Algarve.

    Even traditionally more affordable bits of London are intimidatingly pricey. For the nearly half-a-million cost of this two-bed in Penge…

    …you could apparently be looking at a 10-bedroom (10 BEDROOMS!) farmhouse in Tuscany. With a pool, obviously.

    It gets really silly, though, if you look in London's prime areas. In Aldwych, near the Strand, a one-bedroom flat is going for nearly £1.5 million.

    That, for context, could buy you an eight-bed colonial-era house outside Alicante.

    Or if you're the sort of person who buys a £1.8 million two-bed flat near Hyde Park

    …then you could have got this nine-bedroom villa overlooking Lac Léman in Switzerland instead.

    We hardly dared look what you could get for the price of this three-bed in Marylebone.

    But we did anyway, and it turns out that you could buy an entire tropical island off the coast of Australia.

    But hey, the Holloway Road is nice too.