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    Charlie Sheen Will Rule The Internet

    At least that's how I forsee things (provided he takes my advice). That would include Buzzfeed, of course.

    • Tigerblood LOLcats

      Two great tastes that taste great together... Cheezburger + Tigerblood quotes. Can't beat that...

    • Social Media Stock Market Games

      With 10 minutes of work (or less) and one tweet, Team Sheen can permanently alter the playing field on social media fantasy stock markets like Blogshares and Empire Avenue.

    • Six Degrees of Charlie Sheen on Twitter

      Formerly known as Six Degrees of Kevin Spacey on Twitter. But, as the saying goes - "you snooze, you lose."

    • Twitter

      Well, what can I say here... he's already well on his way to owning Twitter. I did suggest some follower contests so that he can maintain his top trends trend, though.

    • The rest of the internet will follow

      I figure if Charlie gets a hit YouTube channel going and invests the ad revenue from that in YouTube stock, his Twitter ad revenue in Twitter, etc. he'll own the whole internet by year's end. I'm sorry, Buzzfeed. What have we done?