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22 Things You Might Not Know About "How I Met Your Mother"

Because the show's ninth and final season will premiere in a few days and we will miss Ted, Marshall, Lily, Robin and... wait for it... Barney!

The final season of HIMYM is almost here...

And Ted will finally marry the mother of his kids...

Here are a few things you might not know about the show!

1. The opening song is performed by co-creators' band The Solids.

2. Barney Stinson was named after a heroin peddler.

3. Robin Scherbatsky and actress Cobie Smulders are both from Vancouver.

4. Ted is from Ohio, just like co-creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas.

5. An ongoing joke in the show is that nobody ever finds out what Barney's job is.

6. Another ongoing topic is "Who is Ted's best friend."

7. The show is filmed without the traditional live studio audience.

8. In most "statistics" that Barney uses, the numbers 83 or 8 and 3 are involved.

9. Victoria was voted Ted's all time favorite love interest...

10. And Zoey the least favorite.

11. Alyson Hannigan was pregnant while filming many season 4 episodes.

12. Later on, Cobie Smulders discovered that she was also pregnant.

13. Josh Radnor is allergic to dogs but the creators didn't know until he was cast.

14. Samm Levine auditioned for the role of Barney.

15. Although singers Britney Spears and Katy Perry were two of the biggest guest stars...

16. Fashion designer Tim Gunn was the most welcomed guest star from the cast and crew.

17. Conan O'Brien made a cameo appearance on season 7.

18. Victoria is Ted's ex-girlfriend who has appeared in the most episodes.

19. All of Ted's future children scenes were filmed during season 1...

Because this is how they look now.

View this video on YouTube

20. Maclaren's Pub was named after Carl Maclaren, the show's associate producer.

21. Another recurring gag is Ted and Robin saluting as though addressing a military officer.

22. Most of the websites mentioned during the show are real.

So don't forget to tune in next Monday!

Because we will miss these guys...

So much!


And this is the mother.
